Problem 1 - Answers

Time evolution before and after measurement

An arbitrary wavefunction is confined in an infinite square well of width L. Some time later a measurement is made of the particle’s position. Assume that the uncertainty on this position measurement is Gaussian in form with a standard deviation of \(L/10\).

1.Produce an animation showing the time evolution of this wavefunction before and after the position measurement.

Before the measurement the time development of an arbitrary wavefunction \(\psi(x, t)\) is given by

\[ \psi(x, t) = \sum_n a_n u_n(x) e^{-iE_n t / \hbar}, \]

where \(u_n(x)\) are the energy eigenstates and \(a_n\) can be calculated using the overlap integral

\[ a_n = \int u_n^*(x) \psi(x) dx.\]

When the position measurement is made, the wavefunction collapses to an eigenstate of position. Which in this case is a Gaussian function with standard deviation \(L/10\). The position is randomly selected from a probability distribution of the form \(|\psi(x, t)|^2\).

After this point the wavefunction evolves as before but with an updated set of \(a_n\).

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.stats import norm
from IPython.display import HTML
from matplotlib import animation

hbar = 1.05e-34
m_e = 9.11e-31

# Use infinite square well functions from previous examples in class
def un(x, n, L=1.0):
    Energy eigenvalues
    x - 1D position in meters
    n - integer quantum number
    norm = np.sqrt(2/L)
    kx = n * np.pi * x / L
    un = norm * np.sin(kx)
    un = np.where(np.logical_and(x>0, x<L), un, 0)
    return un

def En(n, L=1.0, m =m_e):
    Energy eigenvalues
    n - integer quantum number
    En = np.pi**2 * n**2 * hbar**2 / (2.0 * m * L**2)
    return En

def psin(x, t, n, L=1.0, m =m_e):
    individual eigenstates
    x - 1D position in meters
    n - integer quantum number
    psi = un(x, n, L) * np.exp(-1j * En(n, L, m) * t / hbar)
    return psi

def measurement(PDF, size=None):
    Given a PDF return the indx corresponding to a random measurement
    #renormalise to ensure sum to one
    PDF = PDF / np.sum(PDF)
    indx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(PDF)), p=PDF, size=size)
    return indx

def overlapIntegral(n, x, psi):
    Calculate overlap integral
    n - integer quantum number
    x - x coordinates of arbitrary wavefunction
    psi - y coordinates of arbitrary wavefunction
    f_psi = interp1d(x, psi)  # Create function from arbitrary wavefunction
    def integrand(dummy):
        return np.conj(un(dummy,n)) * f_psi(dummy)  # Define the integrand for overlap integral
    an = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand, x[0], x[-1])  # Integrate within limits of wavefunction
    return an[0]
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 10000)
# Define arbitrary wavefunction
y = np.sqrt(0.5)*un(x, 1) + np.sqrt(0.25)*un(x, 2) + np.sqrt(0.25)*un(x, 4) 
t = np.linspace(0, 4000, 500)
expansions = 20  # Number of expansions to use in overlap integral

nframes = len(t)
measurement_index =  # Time to make position measurement
measurement_time = t[measurement_index]
accuracy = 0.1  # Uncertainty on position measurement

# First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = [12, 6])
plt.close(fig)  # Include this line to prevent two figures appearing in the notebook
ax1.set_ylim((-5, 5))
ax2.set_ylim((-0.1, 20))
line1, = ax1.plot([], [], lw=2)
line2, = ax2.plot([], [], lw=2)
text = ax1.text(-0.3, 4.5, '')

lines = []

# Calculate the co-efficients for the initial wavefunction using an overlap integral
ans = []
ans_new = []
for i in range(1, expansions):
    an = overlapIntegral(i, x, y)

# initialization function: plot the background of each frame
def init():
    for line in lines:
        line.set_data([], [])
    return lines

# animation function.  This is called sequentially
def animate(i):
    time = t[i]
    #calculate wavefunction
    if i < measurement_index:  # Time evolution before measurement
        y_t = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype='complex128')
        for k in range(1, expansions):
            y_t += ans[k-1]*psin(x, time, k)     # Calculate wavefunction at time t 
        prob_t = np.real(np.conjugate(y_t)*y_t)  # by propegating eigenstates forwards in time
    # At time of measurement wavefunction is measured to be at a position randomly selected
    # from the PDF. This is assumed to be gaussian with a specified uncertainty.
    elif i == measurement_index:   # Wavefunction at time of measurement
        y_t = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype='complex128')
        for k in range(1, expansions):
            y_t += np.complex(ans[k-1], 0)*psin(x, time, k)
        x0 = x[measurement(np.real(np.conjugate(y_t)*y_t), size=None)]  # randomly selected x position
        y_t = np.where(np.logical_and(x>0, x<1), norm.pdf(x, x0, accuracy), 0)  # wavefunction is gaussian indside well
        prob_t = np.real(np.conjugate(y_t)*y_t)                                 # and zero elsewhere
        print("Particle measured at x = ", x0)
        # Recalculate co-efficients for new wave function
        for i in range(1, expansions):
            an = overlapIntegral(i, x, y_t)
        ax1.plot(x, y_t, "--")  # plot the possition measurement permenantly on the figure
        ax2.plot(x, prob_t, "--")
    else:  # Time evolution after measurement with new set of coefficients
        time = t[i] - measurement_time
        y_t = np.zeros(np.shape(x), dtype='complex128')
        for k in range(1, expansions):
            y_t += np.real(ans_new[k-1]*psin(x, time, k))
        prob_t = np.real(np.conjugate(y_t)*y_t)
    #update the lines and text
    lines[0].set_data(x, y_t)
    lines[1]. set_data(x, prob_t)
    text.set_text("t = %0.0f" % np.round(time, -1))
    return lines

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=nframes, interval=40, blit=True)

HTML(anim.to_jshtml())  # This line allows you to see the animation in the notebook
C:\Users\Lloyd\anaconda3\envs\dscore\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)
Particle measured at x =  0.6149114911491149
C:\Users\Lloyd\anaconda3\envs\dscore\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)